Introducing MWCQ - Our New Quarterly Magazine

Introducing MWCQ - Our New Quarterly Magazine

If you hadn't already noticed, we're quite passionate about what we do here. We're a small business, with big interests, big dreams and big ambitions and we pretty much live and breathe the world of watch design. While our ultimate goal and purpose is to put beautifully designed watches out there into the world for you to enjoy, there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes which means an awful lot to us.

'The world of watch design', in our case, includes taking inspiration from aircraft, from boats, from Lochs, from people and places and objects which often have nothing to do with watches. Our watches are the physical end product of a long process of research, investigation, travel, interviews, collaborations and then, ultimately, the design process. So when we come to write about our watches on our website, it can be pretty hard to distil their essence down to the few lines that you see. We use our Journal as an outlet to delve into further detail, but again, we are often merely skimming the surface. It seems a shame to let these stories go untold; to let the thought processes, the people, the history and the objects fade away as our watches themselves enter and take possession of the limelight. We feel that without these things, our watches are without their soul.

We know not everyone wants or needs to know about these things; the watch buying process is a deeply personal one, and everyone has a different incentive. Everyone is welcome within the MWC community; from someone who just wants a nice, clean, white-dialled watch and doesn't really mind what's going on within, or a diver for practical purposes, to the Lake District native who specifically wants a mechanical movement encased within a timepiece which is inspired by the place that they love. There's no judgement on our part either way, but we want to ensure that those who want to take a deeper look at things can do so, and that we have an outlet for the photography, the content and the ideas that don't appear on our website.

That's why we have created the Marloe Watch Company Quarterly magazine; or, as we have fondly christened it, MWCQ. Our first edition emerged quietly, both online and in print, in January and has gone down a storm with members of our community who want to know more about the hows and the whys behind our watches and our business. Covering everything from the history of diving, to the design process behind the Morar; from the Monster the Loch event and the filming challenges it posed to Gordon, to how MWC became the first customer-owned watch company, lighthouses and lots more, it's a veritable feast of diverse content - both watch-related and non-so. Our passions go far beyond watches; indeed, you have only to read Gordon's piece on how Scotland invented the world to get a taste of how passionately we feel about some things and certain places...

MWCQ Issue One

The Second Edition of MWCQ is well underway; the Adventure Issue. Within its pages you can expect to be inspired to seek out adventure on your doorstep, to hear from a range of diverse adventurers including one of our new Ambassadors, to learn about iconic and historic people and places who have inspired us to keep adventure at the heart of what we do here at MWC, and to get a sneak peek at an exciting new addition to the Marloe team.

If you'd like to start at the beginning and get caught up, the First Issue is available here. If, like us, you enjoy the increasingly 'old fashioned' feeling of settling down with a thick, weighty, glossy publication, MWCQ is available to buy as a hard copy via Blurb. We do plan to be offering it directly to our customers for future issues. 

We're always intrigued to hear from our customers; if there's something you think should feature in MWCQ, something you'd like to know more about from us, or if you've just heard a cool story or visited an exciting place that you think we should know about, get in touch; as with all elements of Marloe Watch Company, we want MWCQ to be a collaborative effort. 

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  • I saw your Coniston Bluebird watch in the May 2020 Top Gear magazine. I am a big fan of elegant and wearable watches and I’ve fallen in love with your whole brand. I look forward to expanding my watch collection through your company.

    Nick Payne
  • Is it possible to get a hard copy of your publication ?

    Jonathan Rodwell

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